Thursday, February 25, 2010

Abby's hives

I think Abby has had hives for the past 3 days. I have been trying to find the culprit to this reaction. I'm pretty sure it's the Hannah Montana conditioner she found and used. I thought I had confiscated that when we went on the Feingold diet. Anyway, it started about 24 hours after she used it, and she probably didn't rinse her hair very well. She broke out in hives, I think after her American Heritage Girl meeting. By the next morning she had a huge red circle on her abdomen, and then red welts on her shoulders, down her ribs, and on the top of her feet. I gave her Benadryl and about an hour later, they were almost completely gone. They returned as the medicine wore off. Yesterday, she was still breaking out in random places, so I thought I would call the dr. to confirm that it was hives. The nurse was pretty sure that it was. She can't go to school if she has a rash, so she stayed home again. She had a very enjoyable day doing crafts, painting, watching "Little House on the Prairie" with me. I told her I used to watch it when I was a little girl, and she said,"you were alive then?" I told her yes, that I watched the show when I was 10 or 11. It wasn't until later that I realized she thought I was alive during the pioneer days, assuming it was filmed when it was set. I tried to explain it, but telling her that it was on in the 1970's, but was showing the 1800's, didn't make much sense. To her the 1970's might as well be pioneer days!

So, tonight, I gave Abby an oatmeal bath to soothe her skin,even though she hasn't had hives since this morning, and Gabe read his book to her while she was in the bathtub. Pretty cute. After the bath, her hives returned. Now, I'm really confused. We changed the sheets on her bed, took off some of the quilts in case excess heat is causing the hives. I'm just trying anything. I sure hope she can go to school tomorrow.

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