Today, Tim, Abby and I went to Denver. She got to come along because she had a fever this morning and didn't feel well. She spent most of the day in the car watching movies and napping. I met Dr. Miller at the Center for Bone Growth. I had a bone density test, which was normal, and then I met with the dr. He wants me to have two pages worth of blood tests (that's 8-10 vials) and some other tests done before my next visit to him in 8 wks. He is testing for all sorts of metabolic disorders to see if this is what is causing lack of bone growth in my ankle. He also talked about a drug called Fosamex, which promotes bone growth, or in rats, bone tumors. Yippee. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. The ins. doesn't pay for it in non union of fusions, so it would be a fight.
That aside, the best part of going to Denver, is that my awesome husband maps out any TJ Maxx stores in the vicinity so I can shop for Polish pottery. I only found one piece, but we did manage to spend another 150.00 on all sorts of stuff we couldn't live without, not just at TJ Maxx, which is way better than the ones in here, in town, but also at Tim's favorite, The Container Store. Then, went to the Cheesecake Factory, to purchase the 10 lb Linda's Fudge Cake for Ben's birthday next Sat. (shhh, it's a secret). It actually weighs that much and has about a trillion calories.
Now, we're back home with all our treasures, Abby is wiped out, and I've got my ankle on ice, again.
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