Tuesday, March 16, 2010

build a bear and life.

Gabe and Abby were invited to their little neighbor's birthday party at Build A Bear on Sat. They got to each make a bear, which they love to do. Not only did they get to go to the party, but the little girls' parents took our kids to and from the mall and then kept them for lunch and cake. So, Tim and I got to go out to lunch at La Baguette and really talk.

I have been preparing for a talk I'm giving to MOPS at the end of the month, so I wanted to talk to Tim about our early years of marriage, from his perspective. i knew from my perspective that they weren't great, and I knew that I was the cause of most of the problems, but I had forgotten what a selfish jerk I was. It was kind of depressing, but good. The best part is that God has been merciful and grown us up a lot in the past almost 25 years, and our marriage is stronger than ever. I just wish it could have been that way from the beginning.


  1. This is why your marriage is so great now. Growing pains hurt, but God had a plan for you. It is so hard to not have regrets. However, he never has a Plan B or a back up plan when we mess up. Every move we make was in his will and it's always Plan A.

    Looking forward to your MOPS talk...no pressure LOL. I've never heard of this book and based on your review, it sounds great.

  2. I sure wish I could have heard that talk...guess I am missing out by not being in MOPS. You have so much wisdom!
