Hopefully, all this money spent will enlarge his mouth to accommodate his Chicklet like teeth and he won't forever look like Mater in the Cars movie. I hope his face doesn't change too much though. He has the sweetest face to go along with the sweetest personality. You can't help but love Gabe. He is lovable, squeezable, huggable, kissable, and always forgivable. Even though he is often whiny or collapsing in a tearful heap on the floor, he is always our Goober. His teachers love him. Two things about Gabe: his charm gets him out of a lot of trouble, and he often doesn't even realize he's in trouble! A couple of years ago, Gabe was misbehaving in Sunday School and was sent to the superintendent's office to sit with her until we could come. Gabe though it was a treat to be there with her and enjoyed "visiting" with her. He didn't even realize he had been sent there as a punishment until we told him later. He can make the best of any situation, for sure!
Last year, in kindergarten, his teacher would often tell us about the naughty things he did or just general mischief, and then would finish by saying, "but he's so cute, I can't get mad at him". Tim told her, "you have to get over that!". That is our Gabe. He is the sunshine in our home when the stormy clouds are exploding in thunder (if you get my drift).

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